Hello there 👋

Badan Mulia is a Southeast Asian holding company building & investing in Technology, Energy & Natural Resources, Consumer, Real Estate, and Education.

🔑Multi-family Office & PE

Figurati Capital



HawkLabs: AI-powered analytics on Solana

MonkeVentures: Web3 venture capital DAO

Beluga Research: (Coming soon)


🛠️Helius, 💸TipLink, 🌀Portals, 🪙Magna, 💧MystenLabs, ⚡️Tensor, 🌧️Zeus

⚡Energy & Natural Resources

Nickel mining | Sulawesi, Indonesia

Biogas waste-to-energy powerplant EPC | Biogas Electricity Powerplant and Converged Natural Gas EPC for Crude Palm Oil (CPO) mills

Coking coal | Kalimantan, Indonesia

Commodities trading | Asia Pacific

O&G services | Oil & Gas Drilling & Exploration Contractor in Indonesia & Africa


Maju Bersama Group | North Sumatra’s largest supermarket chain

Koseda | Beauty & Skincare retail chain

Brisk | Indonesian automotive spark plug distributor

🏡Real estate

Industrial real estate

Agriculture real estate

Residential real estate

Commercial real estate